Dans le cadre de notre mission d’information, nous publions ci-dessous un post vu sur internet ce jour. Le sujet est «la justice».
Son titre (Letter: Justice for sub-postmasters was decade-long campaign) parle de lui-même.
Sachez que le journaliste (identifié sous le nom d’anonymat
) est positivement connu pour plusieurs autres encarts qu’il a publiés sur internet.
Il n’y a aucune raison de ne pas croire du sérieux de ces infos.
Hearty cheers for Jamie Susskind’s call to action (Opinion, April 1). To his four ways of thinking about artificial intelligence, may I suggest a fifth? That is to recognise that very many of the problems we envisage have been with us for years already, caused not by AI but by computerisation of the most familiar kind.
Take the Horizon scandal, involving a traditional accounting system — not a machine learning algorithm in sight — by which the Post Office ruined the lives of hundreds of sub-postmasters. How? An unwise faith in the integrity of its technology; a lack of transparency; a failure to hold itself accountable to a relatively powerless group of dependent people.
It took over 10 years of tenacious and well-supported campaigning before the sub-postmasters won the right to have the Horizon black box cracked open for inspection. Years later, too many of us are still too prepared to believe that new technology does exactly what it says on the tin and no more. We should all be asking: what flawed systems are ruining lives today, in ways that are less visible than Horizon? How would we even know?
If it takes the newer and scarier language of AI to shock us into taking the problem seriously, great. But let’s make sure we’re tackling the right problem. Abuse of power, and too much power concentrated in too few hands, are the problems. Safeguards against that are what we need.
Jessica Figueras
London SE12, UK
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